T-Minus 3 months!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

"The ball has started rolling and will form into an avalanche by August 2018." That's what I told someone a few weeks ago in reference to PA school and it's starting to come true already. Our orientation is exactly in 3 months! A lot of financial aid things have kicked in this week and most of us are in a frenzy to figure out the most tedious yet important part of this process. We got a letter from our school letting us know all that needs to be done before orientation and let's just say it's going to be a busy three months! 

We have a business casual dress code at our school so I have spent the last few months building up my business wardrobe from scratch. I will say that I may  have developed a Loft addiction in the process... Gone are the days of undergrad where I went to my 8 ams in yoga pants and no one said anything about it. The reason a lot of graduate programs have a business casual dress code is because we're more likely to stay attentive and actively listen in class if we spend a few minutes in the morning trying to look presentable and aren't slouching in class in our sweatpants (guilty).  I'm considering downloading the stylebook app to help me plan my outfits for school. It'll save me a lot of time in the mornings and I can do it even when I'm not home.  For those of you who know me, you know I'm not that great at putting together a "fashionable" outfit, a skill that my (once a tomboy) sister has managed to develop! Usually seeing outfits on Pinterest gives me a better idea then trying to put something together in my head. I've been trying to find a free version of the app but haven't come across anything yet, so I'm still contemplating whether I want to go for it or not. 

We're also required to have a laptop for school, since all of our exams will be taken on our laptops. I'm SO glad my Macbook Pro I bought 4 years ago still works as new, because that's one less expense I have to worry about. 

It's getting so close to that time that I can hardly go a day without thinking about how different life is going to be in 3 short months. I know I will want this free time back once school starts so I'm trying my best to "not wish life away" as L often reminds me ;) 

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